Easy Coconut Macaroons

Easy Coconut Macaroons

These delicious and Easy Coconut Macaroons are my Mother’s recipe and have become a staple in our home. For as long as I can remember my Mother has been making these delicious macaroons for her Passover sedars. As soon as I started contributing to the 

Dark Chocolate Almond Bark with Salted Caramel

Dark Chocolate Almond Bark with Salted Caramel

This Dark Chocolate Almond Bark is a perfect balance of salty and sweet! I love chocolate covered almonds. Something about the taste of nuts combined with dark chocolate makes the dessert more savoury, and the chocolate less sweet. Because of this, I find chocolate almonds 

The Best Fluffy Scone Recipe

The Best Fluffy Scone Recipe

Scones invoke strong associations for me. The first time I ever ate a fresh scone was during high tea at a fancy hotel. I loved how the delicious pastries were not quite brunch, and yet not a dessert either. Depending on what you top them 

Chocolatey Nutella Hamantaschen

Chocolatey Nutella Hamantaschen

Nutella Hamantaschen are a chocolatey twist on a traditional cookie. Hamantaschen (sometimes spelled Hamentaschen) are an Ashkenazi Jewish cookie served at Purim.  Wikipedia does a decent job of summarizing the Purim story if you’d like the background of the holiday. The very short version is that 

Triple Berry Hamantaschen Recipe

Triple Berry Hamantaschen Recipe

Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrating the saving of the Jewish People in Persia from Haman, an evil government official (Purim story). Hamantaschen (sometimes spelled Hamentaschen) are a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish cookie served during the celebration.  During Purim, children dress in costumes, twirl groggers (noisemakers) 

Rich Chocolate Cheesecake Hamantaschen

Rich Chocolate Cheesecake Hamantaschen

Hamantaschen (sometimes spelled Hamentaschen) are a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish cookie served at Purim.  Wikipedia does a decent job of summarizing the Purim story if you’d like the background of the holiday. The (extremely) short version is that Haman is a bad, bad man.  During Purim, children 

Decadent Dark Chocolate Mousse

Decadent Dark Chocolate Mousse

Dark Chocolate mousse is one of my husband’s favourite desserts so naturally I’ve made this many times.  This Decadent Dark Chocolate Mousse is light and airy, while still being incredibly decadent.  It is extremely easy to make and takes very little time to prepare, but 

Easy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Easy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

These Easy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies are one of my favourite cookie recipes.  Something about an oatmeal cookie is so satisfying and hearty, and somehow feels less indulgent than a regular chocolate chip cookie (if you ignore the calories).  These cookies are both chewy and 

Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

This Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread has been a go to recipe of mine for years! I make it in either muffin or loaf format, depending on the occasion. What makes this recipe so versatile is that it’s decadent enough to serve as a tasty